Attack: 74 + 5.6.
Spirit: 72 + 4.8.
Range: 150.
Speed: 295.
Ability System: Skill.
Hp: 505.
Mp: 280.
Hp growth: +321.
Mp growh: +59.
AS Bonus: +1%.
Skills: Upheaval, Flaming Rage, Ripping Force.
Ultimate: Hisou Sword.
Special: Masochism.
Summoning the might of earth, Tenshi lifts all enemies in the selected area for 1 second.
Upon falling, enemies take damage depending on their movespeed and the current level of this ability.
Enemy heroes get slowed by 1% per 10 movespeed, while non-hero enemies get 50% slow.
Slow lasts 2 seconds.
Does not work on flying units or on units with some specific buffs.
Note: Does not affect units with Blazing Star or Hisou Sword. Ignores magic immunity enemies though it does not damage them.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage plus 20% movespeed.
Level 2 - Deals 120 damage plus 30% movespeed.
Level 3 - Deals 180 damage plus 40% movespeed.
Level 4 - Deals 240 damage plus 50% movespeed.
Level 5 - Deals 300 damage plus 60% movespeed.
Power: 60%.
Mp: 60/65/70/75/80.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
Skill 2 - Burning Rage
Passively increases Tenshi's Attack by percent of missing Mp.
When activated, Tenshi incinerates her surroundings, damaging enemies the closer they are.
By killing an enemy with this ability, Tenshi recovers Hp equal to half of maximum damage of this ability.
Recovers Hp up to three times in a row, each healing recovering 1/3 less Hp than the previous.
Reduces this ability cooldown by 0.6 seconds for each enemy hero struck.
Note: Increases Attack by 1 / % missing Mp. Affects an 300 AoE area, 50% farthest damage.
Level 1 - Deals 75 maximum damage.
Level 2 - Deals 160 maximum damage.
Level 3 - Deals 245 maximum damage.
Level 4 - Deals 330 maximum damage.
Level 5 - Deals 415 maximum damage.
Power: 40%.
Attack bonus: 60%.
Mp: 60.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds.
Skill 3 - Rippling Force
Riples out the ground with destructive energy, sending both Tenshi and a powerful wave towards the selected point, damaging any enemy as they pass by.
When reaching the limit, the wave explodes, stunning nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds.
Note: Travels 600 fixed distance at 760 speed.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 120 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 240 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 300 damage.
Power: 25%.
Attack: 65%.
Mp: 80.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Skill 2 - Burning Rage
Passively increases Tenshi's Attack by percent of missing Mp.
When activated, Tenshi incinerates her surroundings, damaging enemies the closer they are.
By killing an enemy with this ability, Tenshi recovers Hp equal to half of maximum damage of this ability.
Recovers Hp up to three times in a row, each healing recovering 1/3 less Hp than the previous.
Reduces this ability cooldown by 0.6 seconds for each enemy hero struck.
Note: Increases Attack by 1 / % missing Mp. Affects an 300 AoE area, 50% farthest damage.
Level 1 - Deals 75 maximum damage.
Level 2 - Deals 160 maximum damage.
Level 3 - Deals 245 maximum damage.
Level 4 - Deals 330 maximum damage.
Level 5 - Deals 415 maximum damage.
Power: 40%.
Attack bonus: 60%.
Mp: 60.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds.
Skill 3 - Rippling Force
Riples out the ground with destructive energy, sending both Tenshi and a powerful wave towards the selected point, damaging any enemy as they pass by.
When reaching the limit, the wave explodes, stunning nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds.
Note: Travels 600 fixed distance at 760 speed.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 120 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 240 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 300 damage.
Power: 25%.
Attack: 65%.
Mp: 80.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Ultimate - Hisou Sword
Tenshi channels energy into her sword then releases it, sending a chain of small Upheavals that tosses enemies into the air only for 0.4 seconds and only quarter damage, generating rock shards that unable units from passing through.
Tenshi herself then jumps then clashes the ground with destructive force, removing previous rock shards and generating a rock ring in her surroundings.
Note: Any interruption during the initial channeling will cancel the ability. Once executed, Tenshi becomes immune to magic and cannot be stopped unless she gets killed.
Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 3.5 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 4 seconds.
Channel: 2 seconds.
Mp: 200.
Cooldown: 100 seconds.
Special - Masochism

Each time Tenshi takes any form of damage, increases her Mp regeneration by 10% and Power by 1.
Effects begin to gradually wear off after a 6 seconds not taking damage, 3 seconds if damage source was a non-hero enemy.
Maximum 400% Mp regeneration and 80 bonus Power.