Nanaya, the Nightmare Murderer.
Shiki's bad dreams made true.
Power: 1 + 0.
52 + 2.8.
Spirit: 1 + 0.
Range: Melee (100).
Speed: 310.
Ability System: Blood Heat.
Armor: 11.
Hp: 419.
Mp: ---.
Armor Growth: +3.
Hp Growth: +69.
Mp Growth: ---.
Hp Bonus: +3%.
Mp Bonus: ---.
AS Bonus: +4%.
Skills: Eightfold Thrust, Octagon Thrust/Nanaya/Gust of Wind, Moon's Reflection in the Water.
Ultimate: Monk Imprisoned by Doubts.
Special: Blood of the Seven Nights.
Skill 1 - Flash Sheath - Eightfold Thrust
Nanaya repeatedly slashes in front of him, damaging all enemies in a small area over two seconds, dealing 5% less damage with each hit, with a limit of 50% reduction.
During this ability, Nanaya can move freely with a 20% reduced movespeed.
Below 70%: Slows enemies in area by 15% for 2 seconds.
Below 40%: Attacks for 3 seconds instead of 2. Removes movespeed reduction.
Below 25%: Each slash has 20% chance to deal 2 times damage.
Level 1 - Each slash does 12 damage.
Level 2 - Each slash does 24 damage.
Level 3 - Each slash does 36 damage.
Level 4 - Each slash does 48 damage.
Level 5 - Each slash does 60 damage.
Damage: Enhanced.
Attack Bonus: 35%.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.
Skill 1 - Flash Sheath - Octagon Thrust/Nanaya/Gust of Wind
Dashes at a target enemy, attacking it on arrival. Takes 1.2 seconds to reach the target.
Attack performed depends on distance between Nanaya and his target.
Octagon Thrust - Performed if distance is 700+. Slashes the enemy and places Nanaya in front of his victim.
Nanaya - Performed if distance is 300-700. Slashes the enemy and slows it for 2 seconds.
Gust of Wind - Performed if distance 300-. Grabs the enemy then throws it behind Nanaya, stunning it for 0.75 seconds.
Below 70%: Octagon Thrust and Nanaya stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds.
Below 40%: Octagon Thrust and Gust of Wind knocks target back by 500 distance.
Below 25%: Octagon Thrust and Nanaya deals 50% extra damage.
Octagon Thrust - Deals 40/70/100/130/160 damage.
Nanaya - Deals 80/120/160/200/240 damage and slows by 10/16/22/28/34%.
Damage: Enhanced.
Attack Bonus: 35%.
Cooldown: 23 seconds.
Skill 3 - Flash Run - Moon's Reflection in the Water
Nanaya becomes invulnerable for 1.5 seconds, then instantly moves himself 400 distance backwards.
Below 70%: Creates an illusionof Nanaya that lasts for 4 seconds.
Below 40%: Nanaya becomes invisible for 3 seconds with 20% increased movespeed.
Below 25%: Creates another illusion of Nanaya after moving backwards.
Cooldown: 50/48/46/45/35 seconds.
Ultimate - Flash Sheath - Monk Imprisoned by Doubts
Slowly moves towards the nearest enemy (preferring heroes over creeps), brutally assaulting him when reachings its side and removing all buffs from it.
If target is below 17% HP, deals fifteen times damage. If not, deals only base damage.
Cannot kill enemies within 400 range.
Below 70%: Increases speed by 60.
Below 40%: Reduces dead range from 400 to 250.
Below 25%: Deals insane damage if enemy below 30% HP.
Level 1 - Moves at 220 speed. Deals 160 damage (2400 damage).
Level 2 - Moves at 260 speed. Deals 280 damage (4200 damage).
Level 3 - Moves at 300 speed. Deals 400 damage (6000 damage).
Damage: Unknown.
Cooldown: 150 seconds.
Special - Blood of the Seven Nights
Increases Nanaya's attackspeed by 2 per level.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Suika, the Drunken Oni [FINALE]
Suika, the Drunken Oni
A goddess Oni with... drunk powers?
Power: 13 + 1.45.
Attack: 81 + 5.85.
Spirit: 78 + 5.65.
Range: Melee (100).
Speed: 295.
Ability System: Skill.
Hp: 530.
Mp: 270.
Hp Growth: +268.
Mp Growth: +67.
AS Bonus: +1%.
Skills: Oni Binding, Gravity Crush, Mountain Tomb.
Ultimate: Immaterial and Missing Power.
Special: Nothing beats drinking!.
Skill 1 - Oni Binding
Suika throws out a magical chain to a selected direction, hooking up the first enemy it grabs and dragging it to Suika.
After being dragged, the enemy loses Mp per second for 4 seconds, adding it to Suika's.
Range of chain and Mp drain improves with level.
Level 1 - Drains 16 MP per second. 600 Range.
Level 2 - Drains 24 MP per second. 750 Range.
Level 3 - Drains 32 MP per second. 900 Range.
Level 4 - Drains 40 MP per second. 1050 Range.
Level 5 - Drains 48 MP per second. 1200 Range.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
MP cost: 45.
Skill 2 - Gravity Crush
Crushes Suika's surroundings using gravity, damaging enemies and slowing their movespeed by 7%.
Any enemy with the Oni Binding debuff will be instantly dragged to Suika and stunned for 0.25 seconds, except for the nearest enemy, that gets stunned for 0.5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 65 damage. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 125 damage. Lasts 3.75 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 185 damage. Lasts 4.5 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 245 damage. Lasts 5.25 seconds.
Level 5 - Deals 305 damage. Lasts 6 seconds.
Power: 50%.
Attack Bonus: 60%.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
MP cost: 55/60/65/70/75.
Skill 3 - Mountain Tomb
Using the power of the mountain, Suika accumulates rock shards in her fist creating a rock bomb, then jumps and throws it to the target point, damaging enemies in area. If there is a nearby enemy with the Gravity Crush debuff, Suika will grab that enemy for the bomb instead of using only rocks.
Enemies take 40% extra damage if have the Gravity Crush debuff. If Suika used an enemy instead of rocks for the bomb, that unit takes 15% extra damage.
Level 1 - Deals 115 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 245 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 310 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 375 damage.
Channeling: 1 second.
Power: 70% damage.
Attack: 40% damage.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
MP cost: 60/75/85/90/100.
Ultimate - Immaterial and Missing Power
Using her powers, Suika increases in size several times her short stature, boosting her HP and decreasing damage she takes by 20%.
Adds to her attacks Immaterial debuff, which slows them by 5% until her ultimate finishes.
When finishing her ultimate, Suika any enemy within 1500 distance next to her.
During channeling, Suika becomes magic immune.
Level 1 - Boosts her HP by 600. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Boosts her HP by 900. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3 - Boosts her HP by 1200. Lasts 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 70 seconds.
MP cost: 120/190/260.
Special - Unlimited Sake
Suika loves drinking. Seriously.
Each 400 HP Suika loses, she displels herself by drinking liquor, healing herself by a percentage of her maximum HP and removing any debuff from her.
Levels 1-3: 2% heal.
Levels 4-6: 3% heal.
Levels 7-9: 4% heal.
Levels 10-12: 5% heal.
Levels 13-15: 6% heal.
Levels 14-18: 7% heal.
Levels 19+: 8% heal.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
A goddess Oni with... drunk powers?
Attack: 81 + 5.85.
Spirit: 78 + 5.65.
Range: Melee (100).
Speed: 295.
Ability System: Skill.
Hp: 530.
Mp: 270.
Hp Growth: +268.
Mp Growth: +67.
AS Bonus: +1%.
Skills: Oni Binding, Gravity Crush, Mountain Tomb.
Ultimate: Immaterial and Missing Power.
Special: Nothing beats drinking!.
Skill 1 - Oni Binding
Suika throws out a magical chain to a selected direction, hooking up the first enemy it grabs and dragging it to Suika.
After being dragged, the enemy loses Mp per second for 4 seconds, adding it to Suika's.
Range of chain and Mp drain improves with level.
Level 1 - Drains 16 MP per second. 600 Range.
Level 2 - Drains 24 MP per second. 750 Range.
Level 3 - Drains 32 MP per second. 900 Range.
Level 4 - Drains 40 MP per second. 1050 Range.
Level 5 - Drains 48 MP per second. 1200 Range.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
MP cost: 45.
Skill 2 - Gravity Crush
Crushes Suika's surroundings using gravity, damaging enemies and slowing their movespeed by 7%.
Any enemy with the Oni Binding debuff will be instantly dragged to Suika and stunned for 0.25 seconds, except for the nearest enemy, that gets stunned for 0.5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 65 damage. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 125 damage. Lasts 3.75 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 185 damage. Lasts 4.5 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 245 damage. Lasts 5.25 seconds.
Level 5 - Deals 305 damage. Lasts 6 seconds.
Power: 50%.
Attack Bonus: 60%.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
MP cost: 55/60/65/70/75.
Skill 3 - Mountain Tomb
Enemies take 40% extra damage if have the Gravity Crush debuff. If Suika used an enemy instead of rocks for the bomb, that unit takes 15% extra damage.
Level 1 - Deals 115 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 245 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 310 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 375 damage.
Channeling: 1 second.
Power: 70% damage.
Attack: 40% damage.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
MP cost: 60/75/85/90/100.
Ultimate - Immaterial and Missing Power

Adds to her attacks Immaterial debuff, which slows them by 5% until her ultimate finishes.
When finishing her ultimate, Suika any enemy within 1500 distance next to her.
During channeling, Suika becomes magic immune.
Level 1 - Boosts her HP by 600. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Boosts her HP by 900. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3 - Boosts her HP by 1200. Lasts 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 70 seconds.
MP cost: 120/190/260.
Special - Unlimited Sake

Each 400 HP Suika loses, she displels herself by drinking liquor, healing herself by a percentage of her maximum HP and removing any debuff from her.
Levels 1-3: 2% heal.
Levels 4-6: 3% heal.
Levels 7-9: 4% heal.
Levels 10-12: 5% heal.
Levels 13-15: 6% heal.
Levels 14-18: 7% heal.
Levels 19+: 8% heal.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Update - 06
Any post without the "[FINALE]" words in its title means I haven't balanced/checked/updated it.
Changed Spirit MP regeneration rate from .01 per SP to .02 per SP.
Remaking items and their abilities.
New hero: Suika, the Drunken Oni.
Remaked hero: Iku, the Dancing Dragon.
Changed Spirit MP regeneration rate from .01 per SP to .02 per SP.
Remaking items and their abilities.
New hero: Suika, the Drunken Oni.
Remaked hero: Iku, the Dancing Dragon.
Iku, the Dancing Oarfish [FINALE]
Iku, the Dancing Oarfish
Travolta style!
Power: 13 + 1.2.
Attack: 63 + 3.4.
Spirit: 76 + 5.2.
Range: Melee.
Speed: 305.
Ability System: Boost.
Hp: 550.
Mp: 125.
Hp Growth: +312.
Mp Growth: ---.
AS Bonus: +2%.
Skills: Thunder Drill, Dragon Shock, Static Bounds.
Ultimate: Dragon Fever.
Special: Dancing Thunder.
Skill 1 - Thunder Drill
Iku generates electricity by spinning rapidly then rushes towards the target direction, tossing units up into the air as she passes by and dealing magical damage to them and reducing their mobility on fall.
Level 1 - Deals 110 damage and slows by 15%.
Level 2 - Deals 165 damage and slows by 23%.
Level 3 - Deals 220 damage and slows by 30%.
Level 4 - Deals 275 damage and slows by 35%.
Level 5 - Deals 330 damage and slows by 46%.
Power: 55%.
Attack: 50%.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.
MP: 40.
Skill 2 - Dragon Shock
Iku calls down a mighty thunder to hit the enemy target for pure damage.
Damage dealt depends on Iku's current life and the victim's maximum life.
Costs Hp to activate and Iku cannot activate this ability if below 15% HP.
By killing an enemy unit with this ability, Iku recovers 30 Mp.
Level 1 - Deals 40 + 2% Iku's current HP + 1% target's max HP damage.
Level 2 - Deals 40 + 4% Iku's current HP + 1.5% target's max HP damage.
Level 3 - Deals 40 + 6% Iku's current HP + 2% target's max HP damage.
Level 4 - Deals 40 + 8% Iku's current HP + 2.5% target's max HP damage.
Level 5 - Deals 40 + 10% Iku's current HP + 3% target's max HP damage.
Cooldown: 4.25 seconds.
HP: 5.5% current HP.
Skill 3 - Static Bounds
Throws an static link towards a random enemy within a certain range, prefering heroes over creeps. The first enemy hit by the link is dragged over a duration towards Iku and is marked for 4 seconds.The mark is consumed by dealing damage, heavily slowing the victim for 0.75 seconds and recovering 20 MP.
Level 1 - Drags the enemy over 0.65 seconds, Static slows by 40%.
Level 2 - Drags the enemy over 0.75 seconds, Static slows by 50%.
Level 3 - Drags the enemy over 0.85 seconds, Static slows by 65%.
Level 4 - Drags the enemy over 0.95 seconds, Static slows by 70%.
Level 5 - Drags the enemy over 1.05 seconds, Static slows by 85%.
Cooldown: 9/8/8/7/6 seconds.
MP: 30.
Ultimate - Dancing Fever!
Iku is dancing!
She gains 10% increased movespeed and her abilities are improved during this ability.
Thunder Drill - Tosses enemies 300 backwards.
Dragon Shock - Heals Iku for 15% of the damage dealt.
Static Bounds - The link goes through enemies instead of grabbing them, marking all enemies in a line.
Level 1 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 10 seconds.
Duration: +0.01 sec / 3 PP.
Cooldown: 80 seconds.
Special - Dancing Thunder
After each cast Iku generates a static shield that reduces incoming damage by 15% for the next 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 4 seconds.
Travolta style!
Power: 13 + 1.2.
Attack: 63 + 3.4.
Spirit: 76 + 5.2.
Range: Melee.
Speed: 305.
Ability System: Boost.
Hp: 550.
Mp: 125.
Hp Growth: +312.
Mp Growth: ---.
AS Bonus: +2%.
Skills: Thunder Drill, Dragon Shock, Static Bounds.
Ultimate: Dragon Fever.
Special: Dancing Thunder.
Skill 1 - Thunder Drill
Iku generates electricity by spinning rapidly then rushes towards the target direction, tossing units up into the air as she passes by and dealing magical damage to them and reducing their mobility on fall.
Level 1 - Deals 110 damage and slows by 15%.
Level 2 - Deals 165 damage and slows by 23%.
Level 3 - Deals 220 damage and slows by 30%.
Level 4 - Deals 275 damage and slows by 35%.
Level 5 - Deals 330 damage and slows by 46%.
Power: 55%.
Attack: 50%.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.
MP: 40.
Skill 2 - Dragon Shock
Iku calls down a mighty thunder to hit the enemy target for pure damage.
Damage dealt depends on Iku's current life and the victim's maximum life.
Costs Hp to activate and Iku cannot activate this ability if below 15% HP.
By killing an enemy unit with this ability, Iku recovers 30 Mp.
Level 1 - Deals 40 + 2% Iku's current HP + 1% target's max HP damage.
Level 2 - Deals 40 + 4% Iku's current HP + 1.5% target's max HP damage.
Level 3 - Deals 40 + 6% Iku's current HP + 2% target's max HP damage.
Level 4 - Deals 40 + 8% Iku's current HP + 2.5% target's max HP damage.
Level 5 - Deals 40 + 10% Iku's current HP + 3% target's max HP damage.
Cooldown: 4.25 seconds.
HP: 5.5% current HP.
Skill 3 - Static Bounds

Level 1 - Drags the enemy over 0.65 seconds, Static slows by 40%.
Level 2 - Drags the enemy over 0.75 seconds, Static slows by 50%.
Level 3 - Drags the enemy over 0.85 seconds, Static slows by 65%.
Level 4 - Drags the enemy over 0.95 seconds, Static slows by 70%.
Level 5 - Drags the enemy over 1.05 seconds, Static slows by 85%.
Cooldown: 9/8/8/7/6 seconds.
MP: 30.
Ultimate - Dancing Fever!
Iku is dancing!
She gains 10% increased movespeed and her abilities are improved during this ability.
Thunder Drill - Tosses enemies 300 backwards.
Dragon Shock - Heals Iku for 15% of the damage dealt.
Static Bounds - The link goes through enemies instead of grabbing them, marking all enemies in a line.
Level 1 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 10 seconds.
Duration: +0.01 sec / 3 PP.
Cooldown: 80 seconds.
Special - Dancing Thunder
After each cast Iku generates a static shield that reduces incoming damage by 15% for the next 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 4 seconds.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Update - 05
New ability system: Blood Heat.
Blood Heat: Characters with Blood Heat system can use or not MP in their abilities, and abilities effects are never altered by Power. What makes Blood Heat characters unique is that all their abilities have extra effects depending on their current HP level (70%, 45%, and 25% level).
MP growth changed from 19, 23, 27, 33, 39 to 31, 43, 55, 67, 75.
Base armor of most characters remastered to be 10+.
New character(s): Nanaya Shiki.
Characters remastered: Iku the Dancing Dragon.
Blood Heat: Characters with Blood Heat system can use or not MP in their abilities, and abilities effects are never altered by Power. What makes Blood Heat characters unique is that all their abilities have extra effects depending on their current HP level (70%, 45%, and 25% level).
MP growth changed from 19, 23, 27, 33, 39 to 31, 43, 55, 67, 75.
Base armor of most characters remastered to be 10+.
New character(s): Nanaya Shiki.
Characters remastered: Iku the Dancing Dragon.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Patchouli the Mobile Library.
Patchouli the Mobile Library.
An asthmatic and quiet girl that reads almost the whole day.
An asthmatic and quiet girl that reads almost the whole day.
Attack: 49 + 2.15.
Spirit: 99 + 4.8.
Range: 500.
Speed: 285.
Ability System: Skill.
Armor: 2.
Hp: 398.
Mp: 466.
Armor Growth: +1.
Hp Growth: +57.
Mp Growth: +41.
Hp Bonus: +3%.
Mp Bonus: +4%.
AS Bonus: +1%.
Elements: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Magic.
Special: Junction.
Improves Patchouli's control over fire magic.
Patchouli increases her Attack by 1 per instance of Fire Element per level.
Once learned, increases Patchouli's Attack depending on her level.
Earth Element.
Improves Patchouli's control over earth magic.
Patchouli increases her Spirit by 1 per instance of Earth Element per level.
Boosts Patchouli's Spirit by 10 per level.
Once learned, increases Patchouli's Spirit depending upon her level.
Wind Element.
Improves Patchouli's control over wind magic.
Patchouli increases her attackrate by 2 per instance of Wind Element per level.
Once learned, increases Patchouli's movespeed depending upon her level.
Water Element.
Improves Patchouli's control over water magic.
Patchouli increases her HP regen by 1 per instance of Water Element per level.
Once learned, increases Patchouli's HP regen depending upon her level.
Elemental Magic.
Improves Patchouli's control over elemental magic.
Passively, increases Patchouli's Power depending upon her level and the level of this ability. Also, affects some spells cooldowns and effects.
Once learned, boosts Patchouli's total MP depending upon her level.
Special - Junction.Activates Patchouli's magic control, releasing a powerful spell depending on which elements Patchouli is currently manipulating.
Note: This ability does not cost any MP, but after use, Patchouli suffers a MP drain based on the spell and its level.
Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Juncion List:Elemental Blast - Q W E R
Sends out a magical wave of pure energy which deals damage depending on Fire element, pushing away enemies depending on Wind element, reducing their attackrate depending on Earth element, and snuffing out the capability of attacking and using abilities for a duration depending on Wind element.
Also reduces enemies magical resistance depending on Magical element.
Damage: 100 + 60 Fire Level + 30% Power.
Knockback: 100 + 100 Wind Element.
AS Reduction: 20 + 10 Earth Level.
Disable: 1 + 0.5 Water Level.
Magic Reduction: 8 + 3 Magic Level.
MP: 210.
Cooldown: 27 - [0.27 x Magical Element + ( Level / 10 )] seconds.
Incineration - Q Q Q Q
Damages enemies per second in a 200 AoE for a brief duration.
Damage depends on Fire element, and duration depends on Magic element.
DPS: 30 + 15 Fire Level + 20% Power.
Duration: 2 + 1 Magic Level.
MP: 120.
Cooldown: 20 - [0.2 x Magical Element x Level] seconds.
Rock Blast - W W W W
Rises a rock pillar from the ground, damaging enemies in 175 AoE and slowing them.
Damage depends on Earth element, and slows depends on Magical element.
Damage: 120 + 70 Earth Level + 40% Power.
Slow: 10% + 7% Magic Level.
MP: 120.
Cooldown: 20 - [0.2 x Magical Element x Level] seconds.
Tornado - E E E E
A destructive tornado is sent towards a point, damaging any enemy it passes through, knockbacking it.
Damage depends on Wind element, and knockback depends on Magical element.
Damage: 90 + 80 Wind Level + 40% Power.
Knockback: 150 + 75 Wind Element.
MP: 130.
Cooldown: 28 - [0.3 x Magical Element x Level] seconds.
Aqualung - R R R R
Bombards an area with water explosions, each damaging enemies in 140 AoE.
Damage depends on Water element, and total area and lapse between explosions depends on Magical Element.
Damage: 40 + 30 Water Level + 60% Power.
Duration: 4 + 2 Magic Level.
Lapse: 0.5 - 0.1 Magic Level.
MP: 210.
Cooldown: 27 - [0.27 x Magical Element x Level] seconds.
Magma Blast - Q Q Q W
Targets a point, then two seconds after, magma will burst from a hole, damaging all enemies caught in the explosion, taking damage.
Has global range.
Damage depends on Fire element, and AoE depends on Earth element.
Damage: 90 + 40 Fire Level + 70% Power.
AoE: 100 + 25 Earth Level.
MP: 135.
Cooldown: 50 - [0.33 x Magical Element + ( Level / 10 ) ] seconds.
Update 04.
Characters now can level up to level 99.
HP, MP, Armor, AS, HP Bonus, and MP bonus have 17 levels (Character in level 18 will have all his grow maxed out).
PP, AT, and SP increases until level 99.
Basic abilities have 5 levels, ultimate has 3 levels, except for Patchouli, which Elements have 9 levels each.
HP, MP, Armor, AS, HP Bonus, and MP bonus have 17 levels (Character in level 18 will have all his grow maxed out).
PP, AT, and SP increases until level 99.
Basic abilities have 5 levels, ultimate has 3 levels, except for Patchouli, which Elements have 9 levels each.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Update 03.
A total of four ability systems are being used up to now:
Damage means by what is affected the damage in the system.
Effects means by what is the duration, slow, stun and secondary effects affected in the system.
Note 2:
Even if a system allows an ability to be affected, it does not mean it will be necessarily affected.
· Skill
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: Affected by Power.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Skill system have an initial MP pool greater than 200, a MP growth, and a MP bonus growth. All abilities needs MP in order to be used.
· Technique
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: No.
Extra: Characters with Technique system have an initial MP pool equal to 1, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. No ability needs MP in order to be used.
· GaugeDamage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: Affected by Power.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Gauge system have an initial MP pool equal to 125, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All three basic abilities do not need MP in order to be used, and the ult always costs 100 MP. Also, the MP regen is always negative, and MP is gained through damaging enemies, taking damage, or by activating some abilities.
· Boost
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Boost system have an initial MP pool equal to 125, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All three basic abilities do not need MP in order to be used, and the ult always costs 100 MP. Also, the MP regen is always 2, and the ultimate boosts basic abilities effects or damage.
· Energy - ?
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Energy system have an initial MP pool greater than or equal to 100 and less then or equal to 200, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All abilities needs MP in order to be used. Also, the MP regen is always 10, and basic abilities have low MP cost and cooldown.
Characters Update
- Changed system from Skill to Boost.
- Modified Phantom Strike.
- Modified Ghost Existence.
- Modified Ether Dash.
- Modified Wheel of Pain.
Total Characters:
Characters with a "?" mark means I'm not sure whether the character will be or not in the map.
Characters with a "!" mark means I'm not sure if the character is fine as it is now.
Characters with a "!" mark means the character is not in the map whether because I do not know much about it, I do not have a model for it or the abilities I made for it do not stack.
- Cloud the Ex-SOLDIER.
- Tifa the Bar Hostess (Bartender?).
- Sephiroth the Son of Genova. !
- Cirno the Idiotic Fairy. !
- Eirin the Nurse.
- Patchouli the Immobile Library. ?
- Iku the Dancing Dragon. !
- Yukari the Border of Illusion. ?
- Suika the Drunken Oni.
- Terra the Hybrid Esper.
- Tenshi the Celestial.
- Nanaya the Nightmare Killer. ?
- Reisen the Lunatic Bunny.
- Flandre the Little Sister.
- Marisa the Kleptomaniac Witch. ?
- Saber the Servant Saber.
- Youmu the Ghost Gardener.
- Alice the Doll Master.
- Yuyuko the Innocent Ghost. ?
- Utsuho the ... Nuclear Fighter? ?
- Rumia the Night Fairy.
- Remilia the Eternal and Beautiful Vampire.
- Komachi the Stygian Boatmaiden.
- Meiling the Scarlet Gate Keeper.
- Kenshin the Goddess of War.
- Suwako the Frog Goddess. !
- Mokou the Human Immortal to Death by Fire. !
- Shikieki the Punisher. !
- Nitori the Kappa Engineer. !
- Sakuya the Perfect and Elegant Maid. !
Damage means by what is affected the damage in the system.
Effects means by what is the duration, slow, stun and secondary effects affected in the system.
Note 2:
Even if a system allows an ability to be affected, it does not mean it will be necessarily affected.
· Skill
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: Affected by Power.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Skill system have an initial MP pool greater than 200, a MP growth, and a MP bonus growth. All abilities needs MP in order to be used.
· Technique
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: No.
Extra: Characters with Technique system have an initial MP pool equal to 1, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. No ability needs MP in order to be used.
· GaugeDamage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: Affected by Power.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Gauge system have an initial MP pool equal to 125, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All three basic abilities do not need MP in order to be used, and the ult always costs 100 MP. Also, the MP regen is always negative, and MP is gained through damaging enemies, taking damage, or by activating some abilities.
· Boost
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Boost system have an initial MP pool equal to 125, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All three basic abilities do not need MP in order to be used, and the ult always costs 100 MP. Also, the MP regen is always 2, and the ultimate boosts basic abilities effects or damage.
· Energy - ?
Damage: Affected by Power or Attack, or Power and Attack.
Effects: ---.
MP usage: Yes.
Extra: Characters with Energy system have an initial MP pool greater than or equal to 100 and less then or equal to 200, no MP growth, and no MP bonus growth. All abilities needs MP in order to be used. Also, the MP regen is always 10, and basic abilities have low MP cost and cooldown.
Characters Update
- Changed system from Skill to Boost.
- Modified Phantom Strike.
- Modified Ghost Existence.
- Modified Ether Dash.
- Modified Wheel of Pain.
Total Characters:
Characters with a "?" mark means I'm not sure whether the character will be or not in the map.
Characters with a "!" mark means I'm not sure if the character is fine as it is now.
Characters with a "!" mark means the character is not in the map whether because I do not know much about it, I do not have a model for it or the abilities I made for it do not stack.
- Cloud the Ex-SOLDIER.
- Tifa the Bar Hostess (Bartender?).
- Sephiroth the Son of Genova. !
- Cirno the Idiotic Fairy. !
- Eirin the Nurse.
- Patchouli the Immobile Library. ?
- Iku the Dancing Dragon. !
- Yukari the Border of Illusion. ?
- Suika the Drunken Oni.
- Terra the Hybrid Esper.
- Tenshi the Celestial.
- Nanaya the Nightmare Killer. ?
- Reisen the Lunatic Bunny.
- Flandre the Little Sister.
- Marisa the Kleptomaniac Witch. ?
- Saber the Servant Saber.
- Youmu the Ghost Gardener.
- Alice the Doll Master.
- Yuyuko the Innocent Ghost. ?
- Utsuho the ... Nuclear Fighter? ?
- Rumia the Night Fairy.
- Remilia the Eternal and Beautiful Vampire.
- Komachi the Stygian Boatmaiden.
- Meiling the Scarlet Gate Keeper.
- Kenshin the Goddess of War.
- Suwako the Frog Goddess. !
- Mokou the Human Immortal to Death by Fire. !
- Shikieki the Punisher. !
- Nitori the Kappa Engineer. !
- Sakuya the Perfect and Elegant Maid. !
Meiling the Scarlet Gate Keeper [FINALE]
Meiling, the Scarlet Gate Keeper.
Scarlet Devil Mansion is safe as long as she keeps... sleeping.
Scarlet Devil Mansion is safe as long as she keeps... sleeping.
Attack: 74 + 4.7.
Spirit: 37 + 2.6.
Role: Fighter, Ganker, Nuker.
Range: Melee.
Speed: 295.
Base Attack Time: 1.18.
Ability System: Gauge.
Hp: 560.
Mp: 125.
Hp Growth: +337.
Mp Growth: ---.
AS Bonus: +2%.
Skills: Dragon Force, Power Stomp, Dragon Kick.
Ultimate: Rainbow Cannon.
Special: Gate Keeper.
Skill 1 - Dragon Force.
Passively increases Attack per point of current Mp.
Charges to the enemy target, dealing damage to and knocking the enemies 200 distance back, increasing Meiling's Attack for 5 seconds after use.
Level 1 - Deals 80 damage, increases Attack by 10%.
Level 2 - Deals 155 damage, increases Attack by 15%.
Level 3 - Deals 230 damage, increases Attack by 20%.
Level 4 - Deals 305 damage, increases Attack by 25%.
Level 5 - Deals 380 damage, increases Attack by 30%.
Damage: 54%.
Charges to the enemy target, dealing damage to and knocking the enemies 200 distance back, increasing Meiling's Attack for 5 seconds after use.
Level 1 - Deals 80 damage, increases Attack by 10%.
Level 2 - Deals 155 damage, increases Attack by 15%.
Level 3 - Deals 230 damage, increases Attack by 20%.
Level 4 - Deals 305 damage, increases Attack by 25%.
Level 5 - Deals 380 damage, increases Attack by 30%.
Damage: 54%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Regain: 10.
Skill 2 - Power Stomp
Stomps with such force that the ground cracks, dealing damage to and slowing nearby enemies for 1 second.Regain: 10.
Skill 2 - Power Stomp
If used when Dragon Force buff is on, deals 15% extra damage.
Level 1 - Deals 70 damage, slows by 15%.
Level 2 - Deals 125 damage, slows by 23%.
Level 3 - Deals 180 damage, slows by 30%.
Level 4 - Deals 235 damage, slows by 35%.
Level 5 - Deals 280 damage, slows by 45%.
Damage: 42%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Regain: 15.
Skill 3 - Dragon Kick.
A destructive close-range kick that tosses the enemy into the air, damaging it on both hit and impact.
If used when Dragon Force buff is on, stuns the enemy for 0.5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 90 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 160 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 310 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 380 damage.
Damage: 65%.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds.
Regain: 20.
Ultimate - Rainbow Cannon.

Level 1 - Deals 260 damage, target takes extra 50 damage per collision.
Level 2 - Deals 420 damage, target takes extra 75 damage per collision.
Level 3 - Deals 560 damage, target takes extra 100 damage per collision.
Damage: 80%.
Collision damage: 40%.
Cooldown: 50 seconds.
Special - Gate Keeper.

When attacking enemies with basic attacks, Meiling regains 5 Mp.
Each time Meiling is attacked, she has 20% chance to reset her basic attack cooldown.
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