Power: 11 + 1.10
Attack: 67 + 3.15
Spirit: 10 + 0.45
Role: Caster, Mage, AoE Carry.
Range: 450.
Speed: 300.
Base Attack Time: 1.12.
Ability System: Skill.
HP: 415.
MP: 300.
HP Growth: +294.
MP Growth: +65.
MP Regen Growth: +0.3.
AS Bonus: +2%.
Tank: Bad
Assassin: Normal
Caster: Good
Carry: Good
Support: Normal
Rin starts with a point in her ultimate, Hell Fire, allowing her to cast three different forms of Hell Fire.
All of her basic abilities grant passive bonuses to Rin, as well as passive bonuses to her ultimate.
Cat's Walk (Special Ability)
Whenever a nearby enemy unit dies, Rin stores its soul. Basic abilities grant passive bonuses depending on the current ammount of souls Rin has.
Limit of 10 souls.
When falling below 15% health, Rin uses a stored soul to create an immovable decoy, then she becomes invisible for 1 second. The decoy is instantly destroyed by taking damage,
increasing Rin's movement speed by 50% for 1 second.
Area of Effect: 600.
Rin becomes fully invisible, meaning she can attack or cast abilities without revealing herself.
Hell Fire (Ultimate)
Hell Fire - Allows Rin to incinerate small areas in front of her at 200 (Q), 450 (W) and 700 (E) distance respectively.
AoE: 150/210/270/330
MP: 50/60/70/80
Cooldown: 9/8/6.5/4.25 seconds.
Blazing Wheel - At level 2 or greater, Rin can cast a ring of fire after 1 second channeling, dealing 120/240/360 (+50%) + 10/20/30 (+10%) magic damage for each soul to enemies in contact with the ring, releasing all souls stored.
MP: 100/125/150.
Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds.
Vengeful Spirit
Passive - Grants Rin 1/2/3/4/5 Attack per soul.
Hell Fire - Increases damage by 50/75/100/125/150 and slows enemies hit by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% for 1.5 seconds.
Slow effects stack with other slows.
- Enemies hit by a second Hell Fire will stack slows from this ability.
Rekindling of Dead Ashes
Passive - Grants Rin 2/4/6/8/10 Power per soul.
Hell Fire - Increases damage by 60/100/140/180/220 and deals half of total damage dealt as magic damage over 4 seconds.
Damage-over-time will not affect magic immune units.
Spleen Eater
Passive - Grants Rin 1/2/3/4/5 Spirit per soul. Additionaly, grants 10/15/20/25/30 magic penetration.
Hell Fire - Increases damage by 10/20/30/40/50.