Power: 11 + 1.10
Attack: 72 + 3.85
Spirit: 85 + 5.20
Role: Assassin, Hunter, Fighter.
Range: Melee (100).
Speed: 305.
Base Attack Time: 1.04.
Ability System: Gauge.
HP: 440.
MP: 125.
HP Growth: +271.
MP Growth: ---.
AS Bonus: +3%.
Tank: Bad
Assassin: Excellent
Caster: Good
Carry: Good
Support: Bad
Shiki gains MP when casting any of her abilities, and she has no MP degeneration rate.
Mystical Eyes of Death Perception (Special Ability)
Basic attacks and abilities do additional 1% of the enemy's current health as magical damage.
Damage dealt by Items or Lament's debuff will not proc Mystical Eyes of Death Perception.
Dashes at the enemy and blinks behind the target, slashing it for 60/120/180/240/300 (+55%) physical damage.
This ability can be casted again when Shiki is striking, increasing damage dealt by 30% and adding 10 extra MP.
Regain: +15.
Cooldown: 15/13/11/9/7 seconds.
The second cast is available for 0.3 seconds.
Assasination can still be cast on ethereal units, but will not damage them.
Assasination can still be cast on magic immune units, and will damage them.
Lethal Blow
Slashes an enemy, dealing 80/150/220/290/360 (+60%) magic damage and silencing them for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds.
Regain: +20.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Lethal Blow can still be cast on ethereal units, and will damage them.
Lethal Blow cannot be cast on magic immune units.
Ryougi's Killing Style
Passive - Increases Shiki's attackspeed by 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% and Attack by 10/15/20/30/35.
Active - Jumps and throws a single knife at the enemy target for 50/90/130/170/210 (+35%) physical damage and 15%/20%/25%/30%/35% movement slow for 2 seconds.
The knife flies off from the enemy once it hits them, falling in a nearby random
location after a few seconds in the air.
Shiki can pick up the dagger by passing nearby to it, resetting the cooldown of this
ability after 0.5 seconds.
Regain: +15.
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.
Ryougi's Killing Style can still be cast on ethereal units, but will not affect them.
Ryougi's Killing Style can still be cast on magic immune units, and will damage them.
If well timed, Shiki can pick up the knife in the air using Assassination. This can only occur using Assasination; Shiki cannot pick up the knife while it is still in the air otherwise.
Slow effects stack with other slows.
Assault and disables the enemy for 1.2 seconds, removing any barrier on them and dealing 265/405/545 (+60%) magic damage once the ability finishes. This damage is amplified by 1% per percent of health the enemy is missing.
MP: 100.
Cooldown: 100/85/70 seconds.
Kanesada can still be cast on ethereal units, and will damage them.
Kanesada can still be cast on magic immune units, but will not damage them.
-However, if a barrier-effect is granting the target Magic Immunity, the barrier will be dispeled and the damage will be dealt.
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